May 28, 2011

Peeping Pongs

So I was getting ready to hit the sack last night & heading across the room to close the window so as not to be disrupted by late night train traffic that occasionally has interrupted some seriously quality slumbers over the past couple months. About then, I thought I heard some rustling around below my window, which seems pretty customary, especially on the weekends, for Korean men to relieve themselves just about anywhere they feel the urge as they stumble back to their abodes. As I looked around, I noticed a guy dressed in dark blue jeans and a black fleece making his was around the backside of the apartment next to mine.

Admittedly, curiosity got the best of me & I watched to see if he would go inside the building.....which I thought was peculiar he decided to pee that close to home but after walking about 10 feet, he crouched down & attempted some ridiculous little climbing maneuver like he was about to scale a sheer granite cliff; either that or he was getting into position for a superhero type leap over the building - regardless, I had to see how it played out.

As he grabbed onto the brick wall and tiny ledge directly under the bathroom window of the first floor apartment across the way, he prepared to hoist himself up in order to view what I can only assume was a late night shower by the occupant of said apartment (I could hear the water running so the conclusion seems pretty legit). Realizing what he was up to, I felt it my civic duty to give a pleasant little guttural throat clearing, just loud enough to be heard by the pervy peeper below.

Upon hearing the noise, he released his grip of the bricks, cautiously looked around to see where the noise came from & finally, his eyes locked on mine for a seconds or two. Having been found out, he abruptly hid his face, turned and hurried back the direction he'd come from, behind the building.

I pondered contacting the authorities but opted against it as my interactions w/the local johnny law's have been relatively fruitless in the conversation/understanding department & my description of the perp would have likely been pretty lousy....uh, yeah, hi, police - I just saw a shortish, maybe 5'7" or 5'8", middle aged Asian guy, black hair, dressed in dark colors & appeared to be peeking in a bathroom window & lurking around my apartment about 1 A.M. - that pretty much narrows it down, right guys? Oh, how tall was he in metric units, gimme a minute, I've gotta convert it. Where do I live? Sure, I'm in Sangmodong, near the train tracks (all of Sangmodong is near the train tracks)....oh, the street name, not really sure, sorry. What building? Uh, the three story brick one on the street full of three story brick ones....hmmm, want me to stand outside while you guys drive around trying to find me?

Anyway, thought it was pretty funny & who knows, he may have had plans to scale up to the second floor of my building & get a peek at the American goods next weekend & we certainly can't have that now, can we?

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