May 17, 2011

In A Daydream?

Ever have one of those days when maybe you don't get up as early as you'd like; you didn't get all the things done you were hoping before going to work (remember, I start at 1pm); there might not have been exactly what you had been craving for breakfast; it's also a Tuesday, which means the week is still on the uphill crawl but despite these insurmountable odds stacked against you, you're grinning like an idiot from ear to ear? Nothing can go wrong, it's destined to be a great day, regardless of what might be in store right around the corner!

Well, you can't quite put your finger on the reasoning for such karmic blessings but whatever it is, keep it coming. These are the days it's great to be alive & you can't really explain why - sometimes you just feel great & nothing can stop you. I'm still steadfast in my thought it's ALWAYS mind over matter. Sure, good things happen to good people but seriously, most of our happiness is a state of being, tucked somewhere deep in the recesses of our mind. Positive vibes, bra, it's that easy.

Alright, so enough quasi-philosophical mumbo jumbo, back to justifying the incessant ramblings; although I'm not 100% sure where I'm going w/this one. I do know it revolves around songs triggering memories & emotions, feel-good Tuesdays & the karmic universe deciding 'Yeah, you've been a pretty good dude, enjoy the day, buddy!'

I suppose it started off like most any other day for me here in Korea - contemplate rising early but default to the snooze button a couple times. The well laid plans of getting a good workout in, loading up on protein (eggs), doing a little reading, checking the state of things on the web, attempting some prep work for my classes, showering & finally meeting James so he could take me to the Otaedong school.

As is often the case, I turned on the laptop & surfed around a bit. Things seem to be going well, for the most part - the Rays are in first place in the AL East, Iowa State picked up commitments from a couple really quality recruits (one BB & one FB) & the war on terror seems to be motoring right along. Not to be outdone a good friend of mine had a birthday a few days ago & his wife posted an extraordinary video clip of the scavenger hunt his co-workers put together for him - priceless, Tyson!

So I  found myself upwards of 40 minutes into perusing the days latest offerings on the internet when I decided to head up to the roof of my apartment & do a little reading. The book of choice this week is called Teacher Man (picked it up in a used English language bookshop in Daegu), written by a cleverly amusing author most well known for Angela's Ashes. Clocking in another 40 minutes on the roof soaking up a gorgeous late spring day w/tremendous weather & a blue sky full of sunshine, I decided it was probably time to get back downstairs, grab a bite & get ready for school. Although, I did still have time for a quick jaunt on the bike with an eclectic mix of calisthenics thrown in for good measure. Hmm, decisions, decisions. Ultimately, I opted to keep my nose in the book for a while longer.

McCourt was born in New York, found himself shipped off to Ireland after his father deserted the family & then basically tells the story of how he wound up back in the states trudging through life and 30+ years as a High School English teacher. I find myself relating greatly to his experience in so many ways I'm really having trouble putting it down. Not because it's some sort of literary masterpiece but rather I just see so many parallels to my own teaching career in his words (aside from getting shipped to Ireland or joining the army).

Still overcome by this zesty feeling towards the day, I found myself in a great mood but wasn't sure if it was the pages I'd read, how gorgeous a day it was turning into or something else entirely but it started as one of those days when it would be impossible to knock me down from this pedestal of sheer exhilaration.

Breakfast was simple enough, a delightful bowl of cereal & some toast. Definitely not the protein load up I had planned but not working out probably helped the decision making.

Things just kept getting better. James & I had a nice conversation on the way to the other school, nothing mind blowing but there also weren't any warnings of treacherous dust particles or nuclear rain, so I was sitting pretty good. As I headed across the street I peered down toward where the street met the sidewalk & saw a Korean won tucked nicely b/w a board & the concrete. Looking around for someone running frantically for their lost loot & seeing none, I proceeded to bend over, retrieve said money & slide it in my pocket, no one the wiser. It wasn't much but, hey, when karma smiles, pick it up, stuff it in your pocket & roll w/it!

At school, Tuesdays can be a little annoying, if only for two students. One is in my very first class - a first grader that's simply put, an obnoxious little shit. The second is in my very last class - a middle school girl who, w/the exception of maybe a handful of days, is wanting nothing to do w/class, English, learning or even slightly paying attention - not to mention, she's always in a lousy mood. Start & end the day w/headaches!

As luck would have it, Terry was nowhere to be found. We had an absolute blast in class & the other kids not only learned something but seemed to make progress in their 45 minutes of Phonics adventures  w/me, which is always a good thing. To end the day, Linda, the terribly distraught middle schooler was, for reasons unknown, in a good mood - one might even say she seemed giddy. Either way, I'll chalk it up to more karmic goodness & leave it at that. 

It certainly feels much better leaving school w/a goofy grin from ear to ear & telling my fellow teachers to 'behave' themselves - they just learned what that meant a couple weeks ago, so throw that into the conversation from time to time. This usually leads to them giggling like a couple schoolgirls. 

They did mention, before I left, that the director who was supposedly getting fired is actually going to still work their. More good news, she's a really great lady, has been overly generous the whole time & seems to really like me. I realize this isn't always the case so I'm feeling fortunate to have great directors at both schools.

As if that weren't enough, the director treated us to a whole slew of yummy pork/veggie dumplings. Which happen to be one of my favorite Korean foods. As we all piled into the van for the scenic tour home, I realized the director was taking me home first, which has never happened but I'll take it. This means I'll be home w/daylight hovering on the horizon & I can spend a little more time soaking up the sunny goodness of a great day!

Making my way home, still grinning like an idiot, the ladies at the Sushi joint down the street saw me strolling along, poked their heads out & in their best English gave me a cheerful 'Hi Mark Teacher.' I returned the favor w/a cordial anyon-haseo, a wave & that damn cheesy grin. It was enough to arouse the suspicions of a few neighborhood kids running amok in the wild back alleys of Gumi. Their curiousity fully peeked, they fell in line behind me, giggling. Finally turning around, I surprised them a little & they anxiously said hello, asked my name, where I was from & continued w/the adorable giggling. Another block & I was home, w/the children back to their games of kick the can or chase the Asian, I was feeling more than ready to conquer the final hours of a simply awesome day. Oh, what else could go right? 

I'm becoming a creature of habit (possibly due to a ridiculously limited availability of habits), which means I come home, flip open the laptop & press play on ITunes as I head the seven steps across the living room/bedroom/office to the kitchen/laundry room to grab a little dinner. There's just something about music that makes me smile & remember why these songs remain important to me.

One of my priorities tonight, was to backtracking my steps over the past couple days in an effort to figure out where my phone could be hiding. I knew I may have to make my way to the store and see if I could figure out who & how to ask where the 'lost and found' would be located. 

About the same time I bent over to pick up something & put it in the trash, I noticed my phone sitting patiently on a shelf, awaiting my arrival. I suppose that tells you everything about how infrequently my phone rings if it hadn't made a single sound the last couple days.

It was then I noticed the song 'In A Daydream' playing in the background. This is probably one of my top-20 favorite songs of all time & it's likely most people out there have never heard of them unless you were lucky enough to roam around the Midwest in the mid-90's listening to college bands. There's just something about a 7+ minute live version of a spectacular song that keeps the grin going. I've heard the lyrics on countless occasions but I really started listening & found them to be eerily similar to the day I just had. 

         The Freddy Jones Band in '96 'In A Daydream'

Basically, everything makes this guy smile today, maybe it was all in a daydream, maybe not. Regardless, it's days like this when a guy can realize how great it is to be alive....and a Tuesday none the less.
Keep kickin ass & being awesome, people! <---- Daniel & Jackie P, that's for you guys!

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