May 10, 2011

Children's Day

Every year, Korean's celebrate Children's Day & it's usually cause for revelry at their schools & academies on the day leading up to it. I've included a few video clips from the festivities. It seemed like a better way to get a glimpse of the kiddo's & a first hand look at the activities rather than attempting to paint a picture of the days events through words.

As I was in charge of Games & Entertainment, I went w/a couple of the simplest games I knew they could play while subconsciously preparing them for the glorious days of college - although, I'm quite certain the college experience for a Korean is drastically different than that of their American counterparts.

They also didn't think rock, paper scissors would be enough to sustain the kids interest throughout the day, even though they love playing it w/me after class! So, by default, I was left w/a more sobering version of beer pong, a carnival staple in ring toss & finally chum, chum, chum (basically, I say chum twice & on the third time I point right or left....if the kid turns their head the opposite direction I pointed, they win).

Most of the videos are of the kids either getting instructions on what they will be doing during the day or learning very simple phrases to negotiate w/the teachers as they buy food, drinks & 'trinkets' that seem to be the greatest things ever to a bunch of elementary aged kids. They also had to pay me to play games. The 'money' is what they earn over the course of three or four months for doing their homework, doing well on tests, or basically doing what they're supposed to do.

There are a few of the kids playing the games, too, which was funny to see how serious they became when things got competitive. It was almost devastating for them, at times but in the end it seemed everyone had a blast.

 The 'games' for the kids

                   Glen & his little brother Ryen

                   Martin asking 'How Much Is It?'

               The Phonics kids getting instructions

                 Danny, Sally & Grace playing 'pong'

                A & B Level kids getting instructions

                   C Level kids getting instructions

 A few Booster Level girls getting serious about pong

 Booster girls using Ping Pong balls for, gasp, Ping Pong!

It appears Mista A has worked his magic & charm once again. The kiddo's are buyin what he's selling in the education game. This is obviously a huge factor in getting them to pay attention, do their work & have fun as they learn a ridiculously complicated language!

Best of all, I even have a few kids who are incessant about giving me a hug first thing they see me everyday.  It ALMOST (ALMOST) makes me think about having kids someday but we'll have to see how things play out over here, first ;) I mean, I'm sure I'd be an awesome father & all but I have my reservations about bringing a kid into this dangerous, selfish, ego-driven world we all call home but who knows, right?

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