May 31, 2011

Holy Crap!

It's Wednesday, the sun struggles to play the dominate role in the skies above Gumi & we're experiencing intermittent of right now, however, the sun has poked back out, my short session workout is complete & I just killed a nice batch of scrambled eggs before getting ready to jump in the shower and head off to work.

It's another, mostly typical, day for me but my Wed's at school are def the longest & most exhausting as I call it my energizer days - my first three classes are really young, extraordinarily hyperactive & all together funny kids (24 boys in all) followed by the upper elementary & middle school versions of the little dudes but it makes for a long day going straight from 2 - 9 w/no real break to speak of.

Regardless, I was thinking as I scrambled up the eggy-goodness that it's June 1st, which basically means I'm nearly half way through this little adventure of teaching abroad for a year....having said that, I'm really having a good time & am certainly considering doing multiple years over here but am planning on heading stateside (after a nice 4 -6 week trek through SE Asia w/my good buddy Daniel) upon completion of my contract to take care of a few things & see some peeps I know I need to catch up with.

That is well & hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day festivities. Over here, we will be celebrating in the same manner this weekend, which means my long awaited trip to Seoul is finally coming to fruition - three days in one of the largest & most culturally divers city on the globe should be awesome....can't wait!

In case anyone needs a smile or maybe contemplating all the hatred in this world, this should change that perspective a bit, just a simple but enlightening video reminding me that, for the most part, people across the world are genuinely good, fun loving folks who could care less about religion, war, money and the like:

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