June 27, 2011

Nerds or Trendsetters?

I'm quite certain this is probably more common than I realize in the States but it's glaringly obvious over here that young couples go to great lengths to either A) show their supreme devotion to their current mate or B) are simply enamored w/the hokey designs of American companies or C) lack a certain creative element when it comes to shopping for/picking out their wardrobes on a daily basis.

So, basically, as I've been wandering around various cities in Korea, I've come across couples, usually in their early to mid 20's, strolling down the sidewalk & often times in some sort of 'romantic embrace' (basically holding hands or the guy has his arm wrapped around the girl's waist/shoulder signifying that she is, indeed, w/him).

The blatantly obvious part, however is more often than not they are wearing the exact same shirt. I'm not just talking about them both wearing a New Balance shirt but the exact same style, color, pattern, etc. Most often it's been New Balance, Jeep, RL Polo or some other highly recognizable American brand name; possibly done in order to signify, yes, they can afford a more expensive article of clothing from the US. It has become quite apparent, most Koreans really love American labels, no matter what it might be!

The first few times I noticed it but didn't pay much attention to the rest of their wardrobe. As I've noticed a serious trend here, I've become more savvy in regards to properly evaluating the rest of their outifts, from top to bottom. In my scrupulous eye balling, I've noticed an odd amount of similarities. Some keep it simple w/maybe matching shirts & shoes. Others, however, have really gone all out - shirt, shoes/sandals, light jackets, belts, hats (Major League Baseball especially) AND pants...obviously I couldn't get the skivvy on, well, their skivvies but I wouldn't be at all surprised if there were consistencies there as well, however uncomfortably disturbing the thought might be.

One couple at the train station in Daegu (about 30 minutes south of me) were literally decked out in New Balance from top to bottom. They both donned black NB T-shirts w/red lettering and collars/sleeve bands, some overly fancy black NB warmup type pants w/a red pinstripe down the outside of each leg and for effect, no doubt, the left leg of each person had been pulled up to about mid calf so everyone was able to see they were also sporting the matching black sock set. Finally & certainly for good measure as an homage to yesteryear - some retro 80's looking (very popular over here for some reason), you guessed it, black NB shoes w/red shoe strings and just enough red in the overall design to really maintain the motif.

The only thing holding them back from some seriously lucrative 'walking billboard' royalties was the fact they apparently couldn't find NB hats they felt were suitable w/the rest of the wardrobe. Instead, a couple of black Yankee caps w/the NY embroidered in a nice, complimenting red, of course, to really tie the ensemble together nicely.

I just don't get it. Maybe the lack of television & immersion in mass consumerism these past seven years have made me less 'hip' than I'm sure I once was but, seriously, you guys look like complete nerds! To some extent, I can understand the shirts, if it's a rarity but I have a sneaking suspicion these couples rarely leave the house w/out matching in some capacity.

I've even seen couples dressed in super fruity (yes, extraordinarily colorful, usually pastels) polo shirts - more often than not they've been actual Ralph Lauren but also seen a few Arnold Palmer or and a couple Jack Nicklaus (I have been surprised at how wildly popular these two legendary golfers are over here) dress shirts, too.

Some of the best, however, might be the ones apparently looking to up their 'street cred' (mom & dad, that basically means they are tough & have real credibility on the mean streets of Korean cities, hence they should not be messed with) by throwing on spectacular yet subtle FUBU outfits. I can't say they bring the same panache as the NB couple but they certainly know how to represent the black American community from an obvious Korean.

Maybe I'm the only one who sees it but the matching couples crack me up. Unfortunately, I've failed capture any quality pictures these obvious trendsetters but I will definitely be working diligently in the coming weeks to get a few shots w/out either completely offending them or, worse, having the FUBU crew get tough w/me!

My advice for the day: if you have a partner or significant other & you both leave the house knowingly wearing matching articles of clothing/outfits - IT IS NOT AS AWESOME LOOKING AS YOU MIGHT THINK! Although, I may be completely out of the fashion loop on this one and I have never claimed to be much of a fashionista but regardless, I'll be snickering on the sidelines as you stroll past!

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